Live music recordings. download and share freely! [RSS feed]

Please do not sell or try to profit off these recordings (unless you're with the artist(s) represented). I've recorded hundreds of shows, most of them are good enough to show up here.

I will likely update any and all published recordings to fix flaws, changes will be noted in the info.txt.

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My blog is at: [RSS feed]

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What is the sum of digits in the current year? (UTC) if it's 2015, then enter 8 (2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8)

Recordings are made from any of the following mics: DPA 4063 or 4061 omnidirectionals, Sound Professional SP-CMC-8 (AudioTechnica) or Dynamic Audio Binaurals (discontinued). Mics are usually externally powered with battery packs (12V SPSB-10 for CMC-8, custom 8.4V packs for DPA). Recorders used have been Edirol R-09, Sony PCM-M10 or PCM-A10. has excellent off-the-shelf mic and battery kits for loud environments if you don't do soldering, but I usually use DPA.